Family Promise shelters up to three families at a time. Each family prepares their breakfast and lunch using food donated by our congregational partners. Church volunteers provide dinner. The Family Resource Center offers access to daily living essentials including computers, storage for family belongings, laundry facilities and showers. Families have the flexibility to plan their days without time restrictions or lining up for check-ins. There is no faith requirement.
We do not provide emergency shelter.
We shelter:
single mothers with children
single fathers with children
two-parent families with children
grandparents raising grandchildren
Teenage boys and children over age 18 are sheltered with their families. A grandparent that is part of an extended family is sheltered with the family.
Case management plans are individualized, designed to alleviate barriers as the family returns to stability. We focus on housing , job readiness, and employment as well as personal ones including medical, childcare, clothing, and furniture